Tan SockFong    Glass Artist & Sand Artist/Animator  Art Glass Studio/Consultancy & Sand Art/Animation  @ArtGlassCentre & @SANDadu
Glass & Sand Artist & Sand Animator Tan SockFong Sand Art & Sand Animation by Tan SockFong @SANDadu SANDadu Art Glass Studio & Consultancy by Tan SockFong @ArtGlassCentre ArtGlassCentre
KeyXtone.com  楔石作坊
SockFong.com  陳淑芳 工作室
Glass Artist & Sand Artist/Animator   SockFong @FaceBook Tan SockFong FaceBook Page WhatsApp TanSF DropBox
ArtGlassXchange.com  |  GlassMorphosis.com  |  ArtGlass.SG
ArtGlassCentre.com  琉璃藝術中心
Art Glass Studio & Consultancy   http://www.facebook.com/GlassCentre http://instagram.com/ArtGlassCentre http://www.youtube.com/ArtGlassCentre Google Place+Map ArtGlassCentre http://vimeo.com/channels/ArtGlass https://www.TikTok.com/@ArtGlassCentre?lang=en http://i.youku.com/i/UMzUzOTU0NTIw http://www.renren.com/ArtGlassCentre http://db.tt/WrtmH3wH
SandArt.SG  |  SandArt.com.SG  |  SandAnimation.SG  |  SandAnimation.com.SG
SANDadu.com  沙樂都 沙畫工坊
Sand Art & Sand Animation   http://www.youtube.com/SANDaduAGC Google Place+Map SANDadu http://www.facebook.com/SANDadu http://instagram.com/SANDadu http://vimeo.com/channels/SandArt https://www.TikTok.com/@SANDadu?lang=en http://i.youku.com/i/UMzUzOTUzMTIw http://www.renren.com/SANDadu
Singapore Art Week 2025 - Exhibition: "Beyond Giving, Inspiring Change" by BGC Glass Studio - Thailand, 24 - 28 January 2025, at Visual Arts Centre Exhibition Gallery @ Dhoby Ghaut. Featuring the works of Glass Artists : Tan Sock Fong (Singapore), Chattakan Vongsiri (Thailand), Peter Bowles (Australia), Osamu Noda (Japan) and Stephanie Trenchard (USA).

For Enquiry :  Online Contact Form        or       eMail  : enquiry@sockfong.com ; enquiry@artrglasscentre.com ; enquiry@sandadu.com

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